BLUE ENERGY - The healing power of the ocean cleanses and energizes

BLUE ENERGY - The healing power of the ocean cleanses and energizes, Photography
BLUE ENERGY - The healing power of the ocean cleanses and energizes
Archival-quality Digital Print on Metal Panel

Source Photos: Original mosaic of curling ocean waves, feathered glass design inside shallow copper bowl, creek pebbles, Florida foliage.

(Digital Photography Art: Original digital photos of nature, architecture and artwork, color-transformed and combined in multiple overlays.)

Photography (Digital Prints)    24 x 18 x 1    $549.00    5   

Relationship to marginalized people:
Allow Nature into your body and spirit - become one with those energies.
Type of work:
Label Description
Allow Nature into your body and spirit - become one with those energies.

Source Photos: Original mosaic of curling ocean waves, feathered glass design inside shallow copper bowl, creek pebbles, Florida foliage.

(Digital Photography Art: Original digital photos of nature, architecture and artwork, color-transformed and combined in multiple overlays.)