Archive Mode. Call Metamorphosis - from Marginal to Magnificent ended on 11/21/22, 8:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


Light, 3-D
"Light" is inspired by the black woman in my life. I've spent most of my ceramic journey studying mammy cookie jars, lawn jockeys, and pickaninnys. This is my first time at creating a black woman into a light and seeing the utilitarianism of the object showcase the inherent beauty of the black woman. The figure is ceramic and an original design. This is a working lamp and can be shown with or without the lamp shade.

3-D    28.5 x 6.5 x 11    $3,500.00    17   

Relationship to marginalized people:
I am a black women. My art focuses on themes related to or from that perspective. I have always found my identity to be a corner stone to my work.
Type of work:
Label Description
"Light" is inspired by the black woman in my life. I've spent most of my ceramic journey studying mammy cookie jars, lawn jockeys, and pickaninnys. This is my first time at creating a black woman into a light and seeing the utilitarianism of the object showcase the inherent beauty of the black woman. The figure is ceramic and an original design. This is a working lamp and can be shown with or without the lamp shade.