Working as an exotic dancer for many years I've developed vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It's the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning. This feeling may be barely noticeable, or it may be so severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks. It wasn't until I was already halfway done painting this piece that I realized I was painting what I saw when I stood up and got dizzy. Spinning around on a pole is really fun for me, and I was a figure skater when I was a kid that involved a lot of spinning too. Spinning has paid my bills and sustained me for eight years so this piece is special to me because of that.
Traditional Hanging Art (Acrylic)
20 x 20 x 3
Relationship to marginalized people:
This piece is related to my life as sex worker. Sex workers are some of the kindest people I've ever met and the work is really difficult and rewarding. Other people might not look at it the same way. It might be easy to begin a career as sex worker but sustaining one is a lot more difficult, and is definitely something to be proud of.
Type of work:
Unlimited Reproductions
Label Description
Working as an exotic dancer for many years I've developed vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It's the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning. This feeling may be barely noticeable, or it may be so severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks. It wasn't until I was already halfway done painting this piece that I realized I was painting what I saw when I stood up and got dizzy. Spinning around on a pole is really fun for me, and I was a figure skater when I was a kid that involved a lot of spinning too. Spinning has paid my bills and sustained me for eight years so this piece is special to me because of that.